Where can I find invoices for insurance reimbursement?

You can access your invoices for insurance reimbursements on My Parsley Health on the invoices page. Alternatively follow these instructions:

  1. Click on your initials at the top left corner of the My Parsley Health portal:
    1. On Desktop, your initials are located at the top right corner of the page.
    2. On Mobile, first click on the [insert hamburger icon] icon at the top left corner of the page to access your initials.
  2. A dropdown will appear with several options to view details of your account and membership.  Select “Invoices"
  3. On the invoices page, you will be able to view your Parsley Health membership and medical invoices for insurance reimbursements.
  4.  Here, you will also be able to see your membership invoices, whether you pay monthly or annually. 

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